Divorce Therapy – Help To Move On

Divorce Therapy

Divorce therapy is for those of you who are facing or have just gone through a divorce.

It is also for those of you who need clarification and clear agreements for the future. And for those of you who are unsure whether you should divorce?

Divorce is a difficult and often painful process and a difficult decision to make for most people. It is not always easy to handle the whole emotional side of the matter alone. This is where divorce therapy can be of help.

Divorce Therapy

Through the conversations, you get clarification about the decision you have made or are about to make. You get help to enter into the agreements that you need in order to move forward well. A divorce that frees you both.

You will be helped to resolve and understand the destructive patterns from the marriage, so that you do not drag them with you into your new life. In other words, understanding what over time led you to a divorce. What we do not recognize, we repeat all too easily in the next relationship as well.

Divorce Therapy – A Happier Divorce

Unfortunately, very few divorces are 100% happy. Often one party has wanted the divorce more than the other has. That’s all the more reason to settle the relationship decently and properly.

Divorce therapy, par terapeut, can help you with that when you actively enter into a process of saying goodbye to your cohabitation properly.

It will benefit you before you tackle the new form of cooperation that is required to separate a home and perhaps continue as divorced parents of shared children.

Through divorce therapy, you are helped to better tackle the divorce, so that you get back on your feet faster.

Divorce and children

Especially when there are children in the relationship, it is important to find good and constructive forms of cooperation and to clear up any disputes. bitterness along the way. You continue to be dependent on each other’s good will, and the relationship between you is still important, not least for your children in the future. Check if also Children’s conditions, for good advice on how you can best bring your children through the divorce. “Hvornår med man at man skal gå fra hinanden.”

Through divorce therapy, you two adults get help to separate in a good way and agree on future communication.

Maybe divorce is not the solution at all?

Sometimes people end up on the edge of divorce and think it is the only way out.

Often, however, the relationship can be saved with the help of couples therapy instead. Sometimes you discover that there might be another way, in the middle of a divorce therapy course that is about divorce.

Several times I have helped couples who thought now was the last call. Helped them to find love again and to bring life and spark back into the relationship. It’s not an easy road, but neither is divorce. Read more here: When love disappears, it can be revived!

If couples therapy is relevant for you, read more on the page about couples therapy in Copenhagen.